All posts - travelling
5 Reasons You Should Visit the Estonian National Museum in Tartu
For Estonians 2016 was huge in a bunch of ways. We elected our first female president, became the first country to send triplets to the Olympics and built a massive new house to show off a lot of... Read more
Strange Monuments in Tallinn – the Road Trip
Sometimes you pass a monument and the only thought in your head is, “??!??”. There is no sign, at best there is a confusing year number, and the passing locals seem to not even notice this thing’s existence.... Read more
7 Awesome Examples of Soviet Architecture in Estonia
Usually, when someone mentions Soviet architecture the first things that come to mind in Estonia are concrete block houses that make up much of Tallinn and so many other post-Soviet cities. Many will think of something ugly, boring,... Read more
Top 10 Unique Places to Visit in Estonia
So, you arrived in Tallinn some days ago and you think you’ve done it all. You took the Free Tour, visited Telliskivi Creative City and spent all of your hard earned money either on local amber that’s definitely not... Read more
5 Most Bizarre Things Ever To Happen in Estonian History
Estonia is a country with a long history that is in large parts made up of the stuff that histories are usually made out of – treaties and wars and pacts and influence zones and a lot of... Read more
How not to be an average cruise tourist in Tallinn? 5 easy steps!
A cruise ship is in Tallinn usually for six or seven hours before it weighs anchor and sets off again. Six hours is not a lot of time but Tallinn is not that big and half a dozen... Read more
Homage to Kalamaja, Tallinn
Ten minutes from the Old Town, between fixed geared bicycles, weird beards and modern art, you’ll stumble upon beautiful wooden houses and odd restaurants in abandoned factories. The Kalamaja area has turned into the humble home of Tallinn’s... Read more
The Post-Tourist: What do Modern Day Travelers and Reality TV Have In Common?
As an avid reality TV enthusiast as well as a travel-fan, I think it’s fair to compare the modern-day nomads that are post-tourists with the brilliance of TV that just doesn’t imitate reality, but lives through it. Jersey Shore was... Read more